Wednesday 23 September 2020

 Can't get my the county of Devon where orchards were once as common as sparrows (once were) Fullerton stores Totnes I found 4 shiny FARM FRESH apples on the counter in a nice plastic wrapper.......from New Zealand.....and in my local Morrisons apples from South Africa.....crazy... we have our own.....

Thursday 5 July 2012

the summer can hear it.....the pitter patter of tiny rain drops on luxuriant greenery

Monday 7 May 2012

the sun is returning,

mornings are wonderful when the sun gets a chance to rise........may blossom is desperate to emerge and hungry birds wait eagerly for the insect world to put away their umbrellas

Thursday 3 May 2012

road building

I guess all the roads are being rebuilt and new ones being created to give folk jobs and the construction firms lots of dosh....................surely the money could be spent on less destructive projects..whilst still giving employment..........
How is it also that in Barnsley where unemployment is high lots of land is being given over to building warehouses and offices and the employment level remains the same.....

am bit miserable because a young blackbird fell into a water trough whilst trying to drink in my garden...and drowned........I know there is so much beauty in this world but why do I feel so pessimistic about 21st century Britain..

Tuesday 1 May 2012

apple wine...with some orange peel thrown in

Devon myth surrounds making excellent cider with an added dead ingredient...a rat at fermentation time...well...this present wine we drink is apple with a dead orange...and it is wine not cider and very nice...maybe wee will dance later in the rain, in the cold....and my word the end of the week sees frost........ahhh I have sown always the optimist...when I not suffering the condition of the natural world....any biodiversic-therapists out there

Sunday 29 April 2012

the sun has found us

I cycled from Chesterfield to Barnsley early this morning....tentatively because of potholes, with a mounting excitement as real light began to appear...not the grey despairing colours of late....
train journeys are funny can sort out every concern you ever had or have by looking out the window and thinking....
but then a pile of discarded rubbish on the rail side trashes your Zen like tranquility  only for peace to return once gorse and ancient exposed sandstone reappear......wish sun would reappear