Monday 9 April 2012

easter monday

it's raining,,,,I worry for the apple blossom already unfolded...heavy rain breaks the petals off and the crop is compromised.......
I notice however that many trees are only in the  bud stage...beautiful pinkish/carmine....I hope their journey from bud to fruit is a successful one.
I can't understand why people choose ornamental trees for their garden when fruit trees are available as an alternative..............
If any bloggers out there want an orchard planting in their garden or farm or school....let me know...
it makes so much sense when the price of food is rising crazily and the bees need a helping hand....
and the blossom looks and the perfume fills your head (on a dry warm day)....I hope tomorrow is better than today.....after all it wont be a bank holiday..

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